You can change the color of your name on Twitch to various colors you want. You can make it red, blue, green, or any color that arises from these three color combinations.
If you’re a streamer that wants to give a calm vibe to your viewers, then changing your color to blue or white makes it more aesthetically pleasing
In this article, we will explore methods for changing the color of your Twitch name and a list of recommended colors you should choose
How to Change the Color of Your Name on Twitch
To change the color of your name on Twitch, you first need to open a Twitch channel chat. Open the “Chat Identity” menu by clicking the star icon on the left of the chat message box. This will open a menu that lets you choose between 15 available colors.
The other method is to use the “/color” command in the chat and type the color in English (Red, Green, Blue) or type the color hex code and then click Enter on your keyboard

For the first method, you can easily open your chat identity in any Twitch stream you watch. So no matter what channel you visit, you can edit your Chat Identity

When you click the Chat Identity icon, it will open a menu that shows your Twitch account Identity Preview. Identity Preview will let you preview how other users will see you when you send a message to the chatroom

Scrolling down, you may find the “Global Badges”, “Channel Badge” and “Global Name Color” sections on the Chat Identity menu.
Some of the sections will be hidden depending on which channel you visited
After selecting a color, it will take a few minutes for the change to be updated. This change will apply to all channel chats you visited
List of available Free Colors for Twitch Name
- Red
- HotPink
- OrangeRed
- Firebrick
- Green
- SeaGreen
- SpringGreen
- YellowGreen
- Blue
- BlueViolet
- CadetBlue
- Chocolate
- Coral
- DodgerBlue
- GoldenRod
What Color Should You Choose for your Twitch Name?
The best color you should choose is Firebrick, SeaGreen, CadetBlue, DodgerBlue, and GoldenRod. It will make your name more unique and will attract attention in the Twitch chat
You should not choose Primary RGB colors like Red, Green, and Blue because many people already use them as the default color on the chat
Of course, always remember to choose which color suits your taste.
Make sure that the color is not shaded too dark or light so it will be readable by most users that browse the Twitch chat using either light mode or dark mode
How To Get More than 15 Free Colors for Twitch Name
To get more than 15 colors on Twitch, you need to have Twitch Turbo or link your Amazon Prime account to your Twitch account
Besides custom name color, you will get exclusive emotes and an ad-free experience without using an Ad Blocker extension
The important question is, should you get Twitch Turbo or Twitch Prime to change your Twitch username color?
You don’t need to pay extra money to get custom colors. Because it’s not that useful, and the primary 15 colors are already good enough for most users
On most popular streamers’ Twitch chat, the chat flow speed is too fast to be seen by most people.
Unless you chat on a streamer channel with only a few viewers, most people won’t notice the color of your name anyway. Your name is more important, luckily Twitch allows you to change your Twitch name easily
How to Make Your Twitch Name Color into White
To change your name’s color to white, you first need to subscribe to Turbo or Prime membership. After subscribing, click account profile > Open Settings > Select “Prime Gaming” section. Type the hex code #fffff or choose white on the color wheel. Click “Confirm Color” to save changes
Beware that making your name white can make it harder to read in light mode. So changing it into a bit gray is a better choice than white
How to Make Your Twitch Name Color Into Black
To change your name’s color to black, you first need to subscribe to Turbo or Prime membership. After subscribing, click account profile > Open Settings > Select “Prime Gaming” section. Type the hex code #00000 or choose black on the color wheel. Click “Confirm Color” to save changes
Make sure not to choose an absolute black color because black is hard to read for users that enable dark mode. So, consider moving the cursor on the color wheel to make it grayer
By using the color wheel, you can create a color combination like dark blue, dark purple, dark brown, etc
How to Change your Name Color on Twitch Mobile App
Besides using your PC to change your name color, you can also do the same process on Android and iPhone by using the Twitch mobile app. Follow these steps below:
- Open the Twitch Mobile App
- Open a channel that is currently streaming, and head into the Twitch chat
- Type the “/color” command on the message box
- Choose your desired color for your name
- Click send message button to save changes
How to Make Your Twitch Name Glow
Currently, you can’t make your name glow on Twitch. Glowing your display name was a feature exclusive to BetterTTV emote extension but has been removed for unknown reasons. Twitch never releases an official feature that makes your name glowing.
Back then, around 2016, with BTTV emote extension installed on your web browser, you could make your Twitch name glow. This feature was promptly removed after only a few weeks of release
Maybe Twitch forbids this feature because a glowing name can cause a distraction to people with a sensitive eye
But if you have Twitch Turbo or Twitch Prime membership, you can turn your name into gold, which similar to the glow of a gold
Use #FFD700 hex code to make your name color into gold
How to Fix Twitch Name Color Change Failed
To fix the bug of being unable to change the color of your Twitch name, log out from your account and delete your browser cookies and cache. Log in to Twitch again and try to re-do the process of changing your name color by opening the Chat Identity menu
The alternative solution is to use the incognito or privacy browsing mode on your web browser
Login to your twitch account and open a Twitch channel that is currently streaming. Try to change the color and wait for up to 2 minutes to update the changes
If opening incognito doesn’t solve the problem, consider changing your web browser to Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Safari
How to Fix Twitch Color Name is Gray
Some Twitch users complain that their name color is Gray. Unless you have been modifying your name color into gray, most of the time, it’s caused by a bug. Press Ctrl + F5 to refresh your web browser.
Refreshing the web browser will be enough to solve this issue. If the issue persists, delete your web browser cookie and cache by clicking Ctrl + Shift + Delete